Steve Lichtenstein

Android Version 0.8—Now with More Stories!


Back in July, on these very Interweb pages, we discussed the release of the Tracker Android Alpha. We explained our reasoning for putting out a less-than-fully-featured app, as well as—framed by a certain Talking Heads song reference—what the road map looked like for subsequent versions. At this point, get your camera and passport ready, because we’re ready to make the next stop on our journey: version 0.8 of the Android Alpha.

The Backlog in the new Pivotal Tracker Android app

There are a host of updates in this version for your Tracking pleasure:

  • With the addition of stories view, we now will sync the project view with servers  periodically when the app is in the foreground. If this isn’t to your liking, you can tweak it in the settings to make it more or less frequent.
  • Additionally, story details can now render Markdown, as opposed to only displaying plain text, which is both exciting and helpful.

More improvements and features are on the way. We’re currently working on displaying the Backlog and Done panels, and adding stories to the Icebox for the 0.9 release.

As always, we’d love to know how this update is working out for you. Please email us your feedback.


