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Tag: How-to (92 posts) Page 6 of 10

Nathan Swain

Getting the Most Out of Tracker with Team Strength and Velocity Override


Being that we’re all human, sometimes things happen that might disrupt a project’s “normal” flow: we get sick, we take a vacation, we put in extra hours to make a deadline, etc. When life happens, it’s good to reflect that in Tracker so we can depict the most accurate Velocity, and thus plan our iterations using the most true-to-life data possible. In Tracker, we do this by using a fun little feature called Team Strength (TS). Read more...

JoEllen Carter

Introducing the Tracker API Postman Collection


Postman is a rest API helper app that is available as a Chrome extension or as a packaged app. Postman lets you build HTTP requests piece by piece, and is particularly interesting to our testing team because it allows you to switch context quickly through the use of “environments.” Postman also has some upgrades that can turn a simple API query into a powerful test that can run in several environments. Read more...

JoEllen Carter

Workspaces FTW


A workspace is a group of projects that you view all together on one page. Everything that you can do in an individual project—and then some—can be done in a workspace. You can estimate stories, plan iterations, attach documents, and accept or reject to your heart’s content. In addition to the basic stuff, workspaces give you some extra oomph to get through your day. On the Tracker team, we’ve been using workspaces for a while and now cannot imagine life without them. Here are a few ways we use workspaces every day. Read more...

Drew McKinney
Pivotal Tracker

How We Manage Design Work in Pivotal Tracker


Long ago, way back in the early 2000s, Pivotal Labs was a growing Agile project management and engineering consultancy. Business was good, but organizing and visualizing project work was arduous. In response, Pivotal engineers created Pivotal Tracker, the project management tool we all know and love today. Read more...

Nathan Swain

Working with Iterations in Tracker


If you’re new to Tracker (or Agile in general), our methodology might seem a bit strange at first, especially when it comes to the behavior of Tracker’s iterations (i.e., sprints) and how your stories move through them. Hopefully this will serve to answer any questions related to this and get you on a path to tracking with confidence. Read more...

Joanne Webb

Attaching Google Docs for (Nearly) All!


As promised, we’ve added to what you can do when you sign in to Tracker with Google. Now, you don’t have to integrate Tracker with your Google Apps domain to be able to attach your Google Drive files to stories, after you next sign in via Google. Read more...

Lisa Crispin

The Wonders of Workspaces


Visibility is a wonderful thing. Making your team’s work transparent lets every stakeholder judge current status and progress at a glance. This transparency also reveals impediments—is one story blocked by another? Is something holding up progress? Are some activities turning into bottlenecks? Seeing a snapshot of a team’s current status and progress is also a conversation starter: “I have a question about this story—oh, I see that Joe, Debbie, and Mary are all working on it, I will ask them.” Read more...