Joanne Webb

More Search Improvements


We’ve been continuing work to bring you a few more of the Search options you’ve been asking for. As well as a few fixes, we’ve extended the ability to search on created:, updated:, accepted:

  • using before/on/after criteria, e.g. created_before: 11/19/2012
  • specifying a date range, e.g. created: 10/19/2013..11/15/2013
  • using relative dates, weeks, days, and hours, e.g.




We’ve also added  the ability to search with regular expressions (including simple wildcards), e.g. label:needs_*

The full details of all search options are in the FAQ.

We hope this massively improves your ability to filter and find the stories you’re looking for.

And, of course, all this is supported in the API.

Get in touch via email or comments below, and there’s more to come, so follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!
