Tracker Blog

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Ronan Dunlop

Leftronic: Not Just a Pretty Face

Leftronic has produced a really nice clean dashboard to view all your company’s data in one place. Real-time data beautifully organized and rendered. View info from Google Analytics and Adwords, Zendesk, Amazon Web Services, New Relic, Salesforce, Pingdom, Mail Chimp and more on one customized screen. Read more...

Joanne Webb

Using Epics for Your Project

Using Epics for Your Project blog post featured image

We recently launched epics, to make it easier to plan and track progress of large features at a high level. Whether you are in the early stages of defining your product or have a Pivotal Tracker project you are working in already, epics can help you manage your work more effectively. In this article, we’ll show how to create epics, for a hypothetical shopping site project. Read more...

Dan Podsedly

Pivotal Tracker Maintenance This Saturday, Mar 31

We’re moving Pivotal Tracker to a new, faster database server with solid state drives tomorrow, and performing some other maintenance that requires downtime. To minimize disruption during work hours in as many parts of the world as possible, we’re planning this maintenance for tomorrow, Saturday, March 31, at 9am Pacific, and we anticipate it to take approximately one hour. Read more...

Dan Podsedly

Updates to the Pivotal Tracker Story Redesign

Last week, we launched a complete redesign of stories, as part of our ongoing effort to make Tracker easier and more enjoyable to use. We’ve received a great amount of feedback about what’s working well in the new design, as well as what could be improved. As a product team, we’re extremely lucky to have users who time and again have shown such passion—thank you, we really couldn’t do this without you! Read more...

Dan Podsedly

New in Pivotal Tracker: Improved Stories!

Stories in Pivotal Tracker have been given a serious upgrade. For the most part it’s all pretty self explanatory—the functionality you’re used to is all there, just in a format that’s more intuitive, user friendly and hopefully you’ll agree, more appealing. Our advice, play with it and then come back and read the rest of this post, especially if anything is confusing. Read more...